Three local artists, Clare Jackson, Alma Caira and Mary Stockton-Smith are currently working on a project.

The project is named ‘A Beacon of Hope’ and the work will be displayed during the Canterbury Festival celebrations.  The artwork is a large glass lantern that will hang in the beautiful 13th century Greyfriars Chapel on the 29th of October 2022.

The lantern will reflect the need to celebrate and acknowledge the small things around us in order to create a quiet space to contemplate and regenerate our collective energy at this difficult time in our world. The paintings on the delicate glass plates are inspired by the enchanting flora and fauna particular to the Franciscan Gardens.

A Beacon of Hope will be on display for one day only- 29th of October 2022, from 10.00- 4pm.

We hope to add more details here as we progress on with its production. It is a delight to work on and hopefully will encourage more people to visit the hidden gem in the centre of Canterbury that is the Franciscan Gardens.

(Entry to the gardens is normally £6 pp, but for the day our work is on display it is just £5 pp.)