Weekly Blog November 2020

Weekly Blog November 2020

This Week in The Garden…… 6th November 2020 The very rainy weather has been a challenge over the past couple of weeks but did provide us with the perfect  conditions to lay wildflower turf along the waterside, extending the meadow area. Timing is everything, as they...
Gardeners Blog – 4th September 2020

Gardeners Blog – 4th September 2020

This Week in The Garden…… 4th September 2020 There has been an unmistakably autumnal feel in the air over the last few early mornings in the Gardens. Chilly at first until the sun warms up and with a heavy dew on the grass. Last week’s rain has done wonders for the...
Gardeners Blog – 14th August 2020

Gardeners Blog – 14th August 2020

This Week in The Garden…… 14th August 2020 The heatwave and very dry weather has taken its toll in the Gardens. The grass areas are parched and many of the established plants (including the meadow) are fading early to save energy and preserve themselves. Being in the...

Gardeners Corner 24th July 2020

We found it a novelty, now that the world outside the Gardens is getting back to normal, to share the gardens with the rowing boats and punts on the river. After having the place entirely to ourselves for so many months it was a real shock to hear voices and laughter...

Gardeners Corner 3rd July 2020

Well, Basil really took the biscuit this week. (Actually it was two slices of homemade banana and walnut loaf). On Monday morning, quite early, whilst we were in the wildflower meadow watering the plants in the new border by the river, foxy came along, went into the...