We hope everyone has managed to stay safe and well during the intense spell of weather we have seen over the past few days! After what has been a beautifully mild winter, Storm Eunice has certainly shaken things up a bit here at the gardens.

Our wonderful gardeners, Robert and Tracey, have been hard at work clearing debris left by the storm, and tending to our grand leylandii which sadly took the brunt of 120mph winds. Luckily much of the garden and our 13th century chapel is still standing and seemingly unscathed. We are now seeing a whole host of beautiful springtime flowers emerging, undeterred by the force of the storm, offering a burst of colour and a sliver of hope after what has been a challenging weekend.

We would just like to say a massive thank you to all of our guests and supporters for your ongoing support. Your contributions make it possible to maintain the gardens and preserve an extraordinary local heritage site!